Manik-Hot-Deploy is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE which brings auto-deploy and hot-deploy functionallity to the development of web applications. The plugin is Open Source and supports Glassfish, Payara, JBoss, Wildfly and other application servers.
With the latest Release 1.0.6 the plugin improves the Payara Autodeploy support. The new version provides a setting for the target folder with a default setting for maven projects.

To enable the autodeploy feature for Payara you also have to set ‘autodeploy-enabled=true in the ‘das-config’ section of the domain.xml file.
<das-config dynamic-reload-enabled="true" autodeploy-enabled="true"></das-config>
Also hot-deployment is supported for Payara, Wildfly and other application servers. Find the full details on the Wikipage on Github.