How to Handle JSF Exceptions in Jakarta EE 10

Exception handling is a tedious but necessary job during development of modern web applications. And it’s teh same for Jakarta EE 10. But if you migrate an existing application to the new Jakarta EE 10 things have change a little bit and so it can happen that you old errorHandler does no no longer work. At least this was the case when I migrated Imixs-Office-Workflow to Jakrata EE 10. So in this short tutorial I will briefly explain how to handle JSF Exceptions.

First of all you need an exeptionHandler extending the Jakarta EE10 ExceptionHandlerWrapper class. The implementation can look like this:

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Objects;

import jakarta.faces.FacesException;
import jakarta.faces.application.NavigationHandler;
import jakarta.faces.context.ExceptionHandler;
import jakarta.faces.context.ExceptionHandlerWrapper;
import jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext;
import jakarta.faces.context.Flash;
import jakarta.faces.event.ExceptionQueuedEvent;
import jakarta.faces.event.ExceptionQueuedEventContext;

public class MyExceptionHandler extends ExceptionHandlerWrapper {

  public MyExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler wrapped) {

  public void handle() throws FacesException {
    Iterator iterator = getUnhandledExceptionQueuedEvents().iterator();

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      ExceptionQueuedEvent event = (ExceptionQueuedEvent);
      ExceptionQueuedEventContext context = (ExceptionQueuedEventContext) event.getSource();

      Throwable throwable = context.getException();

      throwable = findCauseUsingPlainJava(throwable);

      FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

      try {
        Flash flash = fc.getExternalContext().getFlash();
        flash.put("message", throwable.getMessage());
        flash.put("type", throwable.getClass().getSimpleName());
        flash.put("exception", throwable.getClass().getName());

        NavigationHandler navigationHandler = fc.getApplication().getNavigationHandler();

        navigationHandler.handleNavigation(fc, null, "/errorhandler.xhtml?faces-redirect=true");

      } finally {

    // Let the parent handle the rest

   * Helper method to find the exception root cause.
   * See:
  public static Throwable findCauseUsingPlainJava(Throwable throwable) {
    Throwable rootCause = throwable;
    while (rootCause.getCause() != null && rootCause.getCause() != rootCause) {
      System.out.println("cause: " + rootCause.getCause().getMessage());
      rootCause = rootCause.getCause();
    return rootCause;


This wrapper overwrites the default ExceptionHandlerWrapper. In the method handle() (which is the imprtant one) we search the root cause of the exception and put some meta information into the JSF flash scope. The flash is a memory that can be used by the JSF page we redirect to – ‘errorhandler.xhtml’

Next you need to create a custom ExceptionHanlderFactor. This class simple registers our new ExceptionHandler:

import jakarta.faces.context.ExceptionHandler;
import jakarta.faces.context.ExceptionHandlerFactory;

public class MyExceptionHandlerFactory extends ExceptionHandlerFactory {
    public MyExceptionHandlerFactory(ExceptionHandlerFactory wrapped) {

    public ExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler() {
        ExceptionHandler parentHandler = getWrapped().getExceptionHandler();
        return new MyExceptionHandler(parentHandler);


The new Factory method need to be registered in the faces-config.xml file:


And finally we can create a errorhandler.xhtml page that displays a user friendly error message. We can access the flash memory here to display the meta data collected in our ErrorHandler.

<ui:composition xmlns=""
		Display a error message depending on the cause of a exception
	<ui:define name="content">
	  <h:panelGroup styleClass="" layout="block">
				<p><h4>#{flash.keep.type}: #{flash.keep.message}</h4>
		<br />
		<br />
		<strong>Error Code:</strong>
		<br />
		<h:outputText value="#{session.lastAccessedTime}">
			<f:convertDateTime pattern="#{message.dateTimePatternLong}" timeZone="#{message.timeZone}"
							type="date" />
	  <h:commandButton action="home" value="Close"
		immediate="true" />			


That’s it. You can extend and customize this to you own needs.

Are You Crazy Still Using JSF!

JSF stands for Java-Server-Faces which is a web technology that is underestimated by many people. I wonder why is that? And are you actually crazy if you still use JSF? I don’t think so and I will share some of my thoughts. (To get an impression about the technology see the Getting Started Blog form Rudy De Busscher.)

Jakarta EE and Java Server Faces 4.0

The Specification

First of all JSF is a specification which is an important advantage over all the other technologies that JSF is usually compared to. The specification is an open process that is accompanied by many developers for years to define a general solid standard for web applications. This specification process has recently taken place in the Eclipse Foundation, which sets up rules that follow very high quality standards. This is one of the biggest advantages, as it guarantees that your web application is build on a solid core. Of course, other web frameworks also have large communities, but often these are represented by a single company that does not always take the developers into account. Angular from Google is just one example.

Server Based Framework

But back to JSF. Why is JSF sometimes ridiculed as an outdated technology? I personally started with JSF in its early beginning in 2001. So it’s obviously an old technology. And I am an old developer too ;-). In the meantime, many other web frameworks have evolved. Many of them are based on JavaScript and follow the single page paradigm (SPA) running in the browser. The idea is to move the application logic into the browser to get applications faster. This idea came up at a time when not everyone was satisfied with JSF and JavaScript took off. Java Server Faces – as the name implies – in contrast is a server based framework. This means the application logic is executed on the server. And this is where we have the big difference. At that time it was a valid argument to reduce the load on the servers. And of course, this should still be a desirable goal today. But the people who use this as an argument against JSF are often the same ones who rave about serverless functions. Therefore, I don’t think we should consider a server-based framework as a stupid idea today.

Self-Contained Microservice

In fact, a server-based web framework offers some advantages. In this way, application logic and business logic can be easily coupled. This is achieved within Jakarta EE mainly through CDI, EJB and JPA. These technologies are the backend for JSF components. Jakarta EE provides a very clear understanding of the separation of layers and JSF fits seamlessly into this concept. The server-side implementation also hides application details from the client. In contrast in a JavaScript SPA, large parts of the application logic are usually unprotected in the browser which can be a security risk in some cases.

So rendering the application logic on the server side makes it more easy for developers responsible for both – the backend and the frontend part. And this leads to the fact that applications can be developed faster in many cases. From the point of view of the microservice architecture, a JSF application corresponds to the principle of the Self-Contained Services. This is a pattern which is commonly used in microservice architectures.


Since JSF is often referred to as complex and clumsy, I recently wondered if this is really true. I migrated one of my Vue.js SPA to JSF 4.0 and compared the complexity of the resulting code. So finally, I would like to show in an example the simplicity of JSF. (Note: I do not compare JavaScript code with Java here)

In JavaScript Frameworks you typically bind your HTML tags to some code by additional tagging.

<!-- Vue.js -->
<input type="text" 
       placeholder="enter your website">
Your Website is: <span>{{api}}</span>

The SPA framework resolve the tag (v-model) and place the correct value from your model written in JavaScript. It also binds the input field to track changes of your model.

The JSF counter part looks not much different:

<!-- JSF -->
<h:inputText value="#{}" 
             pt:placeholder="enter your website" />
Your Website is: <h:outputText value="#{}" />

Here you also bind your model values to input fields or output text. But the code is executed in Java on the server side which is often equal to your backend code written in Java also for SPAs.

Ajax is used by JavaScript Web frameworks out of the box. So you usually have no need to care about it. In the example above the span tag is automatically updated when the value of the input changes.

In JSF you use also Ajax, but you have more control about how it behaves. You can simple enclose a part of your page with a f:ajax tag to get the same behaviour:

<!-- JSF -->
   <h:inputText value="#{}" 
                pt:placeholder="enter your website" />
   Your Website is: <h:outputText value="#{}" />

Another example is linking. In a JavaScript framework you use again a kind of tagging to initiate a rendering life-cycle when the user clicks on an element:

<!-- Vue.js -->
<li class="nav-item" v-on:click="showSection('search')">

The showSection implements some business logic in your JavaScript code and is responsible for handling data and changing the layout.

JSF is not much different:

<!-- JSF -->
<li class="nav-item">
   <h:link outcome="search" >

The h:link tag loads a new page from the backend named ‘search.xhtml’ containing the new layout. All the model binding is handled behind the scene in the backend. For the user there is no different in behaviour.

So as you can see from the markup, there is not much difference and it is not more or less complex to write a JSF frontend as it is in JavaScript based Web frameworks.


My personal conclusion is that JSF gives me a clearer and more consistent concept for writing my code within a framework. Backend logic and application design are combined in one technology resulting in a pattern also known as self-contained microservice.

To me, this is a valid concept even for modern web applications. And computing application logic on the server side is not crazy at all.

With JSF Version 4.0 you will find a modern and well designed Web technology embedded into the latest Jakarta EE 10 framework.

Jakarta EE8, EE9, EE9.1. …. What???

Jakarta EE is the new Java Enterprise platform as you’ve probably heard. There is a lot of news about this application development framework and also about the rapid development of the platform. Version 9.1 was released in May last year and version 10 is already in a review process. But what does this mean for my own Java project? Because I was also a bit confused about the different versions, hence my attempt to clarify things.

Continue reading “Jakarta EE8, EE9, EE9.1. …. What???”

Is Spring Boot Still State of the Art?

In the following blog post I want to take a closer look at the question if the application framework Spring Boot is still relevant in a modern Java based application development. I will take a critical look against its architectural concept and compare it against the Jakarta EE framework. I am aware of how provocative the question is and that it also attracts incomprehension. Comparing both frameworks I am less concerned about the development concept but more with the question about runtime environments.

Both – Spring Boot and Jakarta EE – are strong and well designed concepts for developing modern Microservices. When I am talking about Jakarta EE and Microservices I always talk also about Eclipse Microprofile which is today the de-facto standard extension for Jakarta EE. Developing a Microservice the concepts of Spring Boot and Jakarta EE are both very similar. The reason is, that a lot of technology of today’s Jakarta EE was inspired by Spring and Spring Boot. The concepts of “Convention over Configuration“, CDI or the intensive usage of annotations were first invited by Spring. And this is proof of the innovative power of Spring and Spring Boot. But I believe that Jakarta EE is today the better choice when looking for a Microservice framework. Why do I come to this conclusion?

Continue reading “Is Spring Boot Still State of the Art?”

Jakarta EE9 – Wildfly – Elytron – SecurityDomains

With version 11 Wildfly introduced a complete new security concept named ‘Elytron’. This security concept is a little bit confusing on the first look if you have worked with previous versions of Wildfly. To be honest I personally recognized the Elytron framework with version Wildfly 24. Even it it is well documented it took me a while until I get things working. Initially I came across the configuration concept during migrating the Imixs-Workflow project form Jakarta EE8 to Jakarta EE9. As we are using docker images to run our applications we are configuring the Wildfly server by the standalone.xml file and not via the CLI provided by Wildfly. In the following I will show what is important to get a Jakarta EE9 application work with Elytron.

The Elytron Subsystem

Wildfly is separated in its core into subsystems. Each subsystem has its own configuration section in the standalone.xml file. For the Elytron subsystem this is urn:wildfly:elytron:14.0.

If you look into the subsystem configuration you can see that a security domain is split now into the domain and the realm section. A simple FileBased security realm with the realm name ‘imixsrealm’ will look like this:

        <subsystem xmlns="urn:wildfly:elytron:14.0" final-providers="combined-providers" disallowed-providers="OracleUcrypto">
              	<!-- imixsrealm filerealm configuration   -->
		<security-domain name="imixsrealm" default-realm="imixsrealm" permission-mapper="default-permission-mapper">
			<realm name="imixsrealm"/>
                <!-- imixsrealm filerealm property files -->
                <properties-realm name="imixsrealm" groups-attribute="Roles">
			<users-properties path="" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir" digest-realm-name="Application Security" plain-text="true"/>
			<groups-properties path="" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>

I added a security-domain with the name ‘imixsrealm’ and also a properties-realm section with the same name where I define the users and roles property files. The attribute plain-text="true" indicates that you store the password in plaintext, which makes testing much easier. Place the sample-app-roles and users property files into the standalone/config/ directory. Do not modify the other sections of the Elytron subsystem!

The content of the looks like this (with plain text passwords)


In the file you can assign users to application specific roles:


So far everything seems to look similar to the old security-domain configuration. But at this moment you new security domain wont work. There are additional steps needed.

The EJB and Web Subsystems

To get the security domain working with your application you need to add the security domain also to the undertow web subsystem. In this subsystem you will find a section ‘application-security-domains’. And in this section you need to add your new security domain as well:

       <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:undertow:12.0" default-server="default-server" default-virtual-host="default-host" default-servlet-container="default" default-security-domain="other" statistics-enabled="${wildfly.undertow.statistics-enabled:${wildfly.statistics-enabled:false}}">
                <application-security-domain name="imixsrealm" security-domain="imixsrealm"/>
                <application-security-domain name="other" security-domain="ApplicationDomain"/>                                            

There is also a subsystem for EJBs “ejb3:9.0” and it becomes important that you add your security domain also there if you have EJBs with the annotations @RolesAllowed or @RunAs

        <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ejb3:9.0">
            <default-security-domain value="other"/>
                 <application-security-domain name="imixsrealm" security-domain="imixsrealm"/>
                <application-security-domain name="other" security-domain="ApplicationDomain"/>                

Now you have completed your configuration in the standalone.xml file

The jboss-web.xml and jboss-ejb3.xml

There are still 2 application specific files which need to be part of your web application.

In the jboss-web.xml you define you custom security domain:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

and in the jboss-ejb3.xml file:

<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jboss:ejb-jar xmlns:jboss=""
	xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
	version="3.1" impl-version="2.0">

			<!-- This configuration is necessary to enable @runAs for the AdminPService  -->


So finally your Jakarta EE9 application should now deploy and run within Wilfly 24 using the new Elytron Security Framework.

Database Realm / jdbc-realm

It is also easy to use jdbc-realm configuration. You can find general information about Database realms here. The following shows an example how to configure a jdbc-realm with two tables storing an encrypted password and user roles.

<jdbc-realm name="imixsrealm">
    <principal-query sql="select PASSWORD from USERID where ID=?" data-source="office">
        <simple-digest-mapper algorithm="simple-digest-sha-256" password-index="1" hash-encoding="hex"/>
          <principal-query sql="select GROUP_ID from USERID_USERGROUP where ID=?" data-source="office">
                  <attribute to="Roles" index="1"/>

Note: I am using two queries here as my role definitions are stored in a separate table (USERID_USERGROUP). The password is stored in hex format encrypted with a SHA-256 algorithm.

Migrating to Jakarta EE 9

In this blog post I will document the way, we at Imixs-Workflow migrated from Java EE to Jakarta EE 9. The Java Enterprise Stack has always been known for providing a very reliable and stable platform for developers. We at Imixs started with Java EE in the early beginnings in the year 2003. At that time Java EE was not comparable to the platform we know today. For me the most impressive part of the journey with Java EE over the last 17 years was the fact, that you can always trust on the platform. Even if new concepts and features where introduced, your existing code worked. For a human-centric workflow engine, like our open source project Imixs-Workflow, this is an important aspect. A workflow engine have to be sustainable. A long running business process my take years from its creation to its final state. An insurance process is one example of this kind of a business process. I personally run customer projects, started running Imixs-Workflow on Glassfish, switched to JBoss, migrated to Payara and run today on Wildfly. Upgrading the Java EE version and switching the server platform was never something special about which you had to write a lot. But with Jakarta EE9 the situation changed dramatically.

Continue reading “Migrating to Jakarta EE 9”

Spring Boot or Jakarta EE – What’s Better?

No – I don’t want to start a new flame war in which I put one framework above the other. Both, Spring Boot and Jakarta EE are great frameworks to build great modern Java applications. Some developers prefer this, others prefer that. Why is that? I think it’s often just because the one developer has collected more experience with Spring Boot, the other one with Java EE. These technologies are developing very fast and it is difficult to learn and be able to apply everything correctly. Basically it is a kind of protectionism that you put one over the other so that you don’t appear stupid and ignorant. But there is a certain noise around Spring Boot that gives the impression that Spring Boot would be the far better system.

Continue reading “Spring Boot or Jakarta EE – What’s Better?”

ManagedScheduledExecutorService vs EJB Timer

Over the past years I always used EJB Timer Service to implement scheduled tasks in my Java Enterprise applications. Since Java EE7 the ManagedScheduledExecutorService is a new pattern to implement a scheduler service. The ManagedScheduledExecutorService is part of the SE ScheduledExecutorService and provides methods for submitting delayed or periodic tasks for execution.

Implementing a ManagedScheduledExecutorService is quite simple. See the following example:

public class MyScheduler {
    ManagedScheduledExecutorService scheduler;    

    MyService myService; 

    public void init() {
        this.scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(this::run, 500, 500,

    public void run() {

In compare to a EJB Timer it seems to be quite simple to use this pattern. But the ManagedScheduledExecutorService is more a lightweight scheduling framework and it does not support features like transaction support, full lifecycle operations (create, read, cancel timers) which are supported by EJB Timers. In addition EJB Timers can be persisted and so survive server crash and restart. And in fact I personally run into a problem with execution exceptions during a redeployment scenario in Wildfly a few days ago. So is a EJB Timer an outdated technology just because it’s an EJB?

The Advantage and Restrictions of EJB Timers

In the early beginning of my Java EE career I learned that EJB timers are persisted an managed by the ejb container on the application server level. This ensures that the timer is executed correctly without conflicts in scenarios with multiple threads. This means even in a clustered environment, a persistent EJB timer runs only in one cluster member which might not necessarily be the same cluster member it was created in. Since we are today mostly talking about horizontally scalable applications spread across multiple servers, this seems to be a restriction. And this was also my first thought when I switched from EJB Timer to ManagedScheduledExecutorService.

But on the other hand, that’s the common expectation for a timer at a specific point to fire only at one of the nodes in order to avoid duplication. For example, you might probably do not want to send out meeting notices twice from different nodes. So the idea that a persisted EJB Timer runs only in one instance even in a large cluster environment can be an important feature and not a restriction.

Non-Persistent EJB Timers

Since EJB 3.1 specification there is a variant of non-persistent EJB Timers. Non-persistent timers have similar semantics and behaviour as the origin persistent timers, but without the overhead of a data store. This means they have a different life cycle and are easier to use than persistent timers. Non-persistent timers are active only while the application server is active and are not maintained across application server crashes, shutdowns and restarts. But in difference to the ManagedScheduledExecutorService the non-persistent EJB Timer is transactional during the creation and cancellation which can be important for many scenarios. If a timer is created within a transaction and that transaction is later rolled back, the creation of the timer is rolled back as well. Similar rules apply to the cancellation of a timer.

This is an example how a EJB Timer can be implemented:

public class MyTimerService {
    MyService myService;
    @Schedule(second="*/1", minute="*",hour="*", persistent=false)
    public void doWork(){

In a clustered environment a non-persistent timer runs in each cluster member that it was created in. And a automatic non-persistent timers run in each cluster member that contains the EJB. So this means the non-persistent EJB Timer scales horizontal within a clustered environment – e.g. a Kubernetes cluster. More details about the EJB Timer variants can be found here.


So we have seen how ManagedScheduledExecutorService and EJB Timers can be used to implement scheduled tasks in Jakarta EE. In my personal opinion you should use EJB timers if you are running on a Jakarta EE stack. The EJB Timer provides you with more features and is even scalable as the more lightweight ManagedScheduledExecutorService. This is just my personal opinion. Choose the technology that best fits your app.