Until today I worked with the Rest-API Testing Tool Postman from Google. But this tool was making me more and more suspicious in the last time. For example, you are recently asked to sign in with a Google account. So it was time to lookout for an alternative. And finally I found Insomnia. It is open source and hosted on Github.
To install the tool on Linux/Debian run:
# Add to sources echo "deb https://dl.bintray.com/getinsomnia/Insomnia /" \ | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/insomnia.list # Add public key used to verify code signature wget --quiet -O - https://insomnia.rest/keys/debian-public.key.asc \ | sudo apt-key add - # Refresh repository sources and install Insomnia sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install insomnia