Payara Micro with Custom Configuration

This is a short guideline how to create a payara-micro Docker container with a custom configuration. A custom configuration is needed if you want to configure application server resources like database pools, mail resources or other stuff needed by your application.

1) Downlaod the payara-micro.jar

First you need to download the payara-mciro jar. Go the the official payara download page:

2) Copy the domain.xml

Next you can inspect the jar file and copy the domain.xml from the config directory


Now you can customize the domain.xml as needed by your project. The configuration is identically to payara-full so you can add all additional resources and configuration. For example you can add a custom data pool configuration into the resources section of the domain.xml.

3) Create a Dockerfile

Now you can create your custom Dockerfile. Payara-micro can be configured with launch options in several ways. One of them allows you to define a custom location of your configuration and domain.xml files. See the following example:

FROM payara/micro
USER root
# create a custom config folder
RUN mkdir ${PAYARA_HOME}/config
COPY domain.xml ${PAYARA_HOME}/config/
COPY postgresql-42.2.5.jar ${PAYARA_HOME}/config
RUN chown -R payara:payara ${PAYARA_HOME}/config
USER payara
# Deploy artefacts
COPY my-app.war $DEPLOY_DIR
CMD ["--addLibs","/opt/payara/config/postgresql-42.2.5.jar", "--deploymentDir", "/opt/payara/deployments", "--rootDir", "/opt/payara/config","--domainConfig", "/opt/payara/config/domain.xml"]]

In this Dockerfile derived from the official payra/micro I create a new config/ folder to copy the jdbc-driver and the domain.xml.

The CMD option is important here. I added the following custom settings:

  • –addLibs – adds the postgresql jdbc driver
  • –deploymentDir – set the default deployment directory
  • –rootDir set the configuration directory to our new /opt/payara/config/ folder
  • –domainConfig – define the location of the custom domain.xml

With the CMD option –rootDir you can specify what directory Payara Micro should use as its new domain directory. Adding files to this directory will replicate the behavior of a Payara Server’s domain configuration. Payara-Micro automatically copies the folder with configuration files we do not specified explicitly. So at the end the folder contains all necessary configuation.

The CMD option –domainConfig is necessary. Otherwise payara-micro will ignore your custom domain.xml . More information which options can be added can be found here.

4) Build and Launch your Custom Docker Image

Finally you can now build your custom Docker image…

$ docker build --tag=my-custom-payara-micro .

…and start your docker container:

$ docker build --tag=my-custom-payara-micro .

Now you launched (hopefully without errors your custom payara-micro). I hope this helps you to get started with payara-micro and docker.

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