VisualVM & Wildfly running in Docker

In Imixs-Workflow project we use mostly use Wildfly Server to run the Imixs-Worklfow engine. If you want to profile your workflow instance in details you can use the VisualVM profiling tool. To use this tool when running Wildfly in a container will be the topic of this blog post. You can download VisualVM form Github.

When running Wildfly in a container you need to use the remote profile capabilities of VIsualVM to analyse your services. There for your wildfly server running in a docker container should publish the port 9990 which is also the port for the Wildfly Web Interface. Using the Imixs Wildfly Docker image you can simply launch your server with the option “DEBUG=true”.

Next you need to download the wildfly version running in your container into your local workstation as you need some libraries only contained in the corresponding wildfly version. Go to the Wildfly Download page to download the version your are running in your container.

Lets assume you have extracted the wildfly server packages into the following directory

$ /opt/wildfly-18.0.0.Final

than you can start VisualVM with the following option:

$ ./visualvm -cp:a /opt/wildfly-18.0.0.Final/bin/client/jboss-cli-client.jar  -J-Dmodule.path=/opt/wildfly-18.0.0.Final/modules	

Take note of the correct server path.

Now you can connect to your wildfly server with a new JMX Connection which you can open from the ‘file’ menu in VisualVM

To connec to to use the following URL:


Note that you may need a admin user account on your wildfly server. If you are unsure open your wildfly web console first form a web browser:

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