WildFly – Reverse Proxy via SSL

In many web architectures it is common to access a Java EE Application through a reverse proxy server. A reverse proxy can be used for example as a dispatcher to redirect users to different servers or switch to a standby server in a failover scenario. Another typical use case is to run a dispatcher as the SSL Endpoint for a Java EE application. traefik.io or Squid are common tools to provide such a functionality. If you are running Wildfly behind such a reverse proxy server for SSL Endpoints you need to take care about some configuration issues.

Run Wildfly in HTTP only

In case you run Wildfly behind a modern reverse proxy like traefik.io things should work out of the box. It is fine for these scenarios that Wildfly is accessed by HTTP only. The reverse proxy in this scenario the SSL termination endpoint.


A problem within this scenario ocures in JSF applications when a redirect is used. Such a redirect scenario is typical for JSF applications where a navigation rule uses a <redirect/>.

In this case Wildfly is not aware of the proxy and so it sends a HTTP redirect (302) which will lead to a situation where an already established SSL connection will be lost. To avoid the loss of SSL connections inside your WildFly application you need to add the HTTP header parameter into the HTTP listener of your dispatcher:


This will hold the existing SSL connection also for HTTP redirect 302. The complete configuration will look like this:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:undertow:11.0" default-server="default-server" default-virtual-host="default-host" default-servlet-container="default" default-security-domain="other" statistics-enabled="${wildfly.undertow.statistics-enabled:${wildfly.statistics-enabled:false}}">
            <buffer-cache name="default"/>
            <server name="default-server">
                <http-listener name="default" socket-binding="http" redirect-socket="https" proxy-address-forwarding="true" enable-http2="true"/>
                <https-listener name="https" socket-binding="https" security-realm="ApplicationRealm" enable-http2="true"/>
                <host name="default-host" alias="localhost">
                    <location name="/" handler="welcome-content"/>
                    <http-invoker security-realm="ApplicationRealm"/>
            <servlet-container name="default">
                <file name="welcome-content" path="${jboss.home.dir}/welcome-content"/>

The important part is the http-listener configuration wich now enables proxy-address-forwarding.

So this is the most easy configuration for wildfly running behind a reverse proxy. Only if you need to run Wildfly a an SSL Endpoint than continue reading the next section.

Run WildFly as an SSL Endpoint

To access an application running on Wildfly through a reverse proxy per SSL it may be necessary to enable also HTTPS connections in Wildfly. This means Wildfly is the SSL termination endpoint. Per default the WildFly server is only allowing HTTP connections. To enable HTTPS you need first to create a certificate and add this into the standalone.xml. Here are the steps to go:

(1) Create a Certificate 

(1.1) Self-signed Certificate:

Using the linux keytool you can easily create your own private certificate and store it into the  / configuration/ directory in Wildfly:

cd /opt/wildfly/standalone/configuration/
keytool -genkey -alias local-wildfly-cert -keyalg RSA -sigalg MD5withRSA -keystore local-wildfly-cert.jks -storepass adminadmin  -keypass adminadmin -validity 9999 -dname "CN=Server Administrator,O=MyOrg,OU=com,C=DE"

Replace the password and organisation name with appropriate values.

(1.2) CA-Certificate

Only in case that you already have an existing CA-Certificate and you want to use it for wildfly directly you can create the keystore file for wildfly with the openssl command line tool:

openssl pkcs12 -export -in yourdomain.com.crt -inkey yourdomain.com.key -out yourdomain.com.p12 -name local-wildfly-cert -CAfile your_provider_bundle.crt -caname root -chain

You need to define a password for the generated cert file. The pk12 file can now be imported into the keystore with the following command

keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass <secret password> -destkeypass <secret password> -destkeystore yourdomain.com.jks -srckeystore yourdomain.com.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass <secret password used in csr> -alias local-wildfly-cert

The password again is needed for the configuration in wildfly.

(2) Configure a security realm

After you have generated the .jks file you can now add a new SecurityRealm with the name “UndertowRealm” in the standalone.xml file. This security realm is used to established https connections for wildfly/undertow later.  Add the following entry into the section “security-realms” of the standalone.xml file:

  <security-realm name="UndertowRealm">
           <keystore path="local-wildfly-cert.jks" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir" keystore-password="adminadmin" alias="local-wildfly-cert" key-password="adminadmin"/>

The new realm is using the local SSL certificate created before.
Note: Take care about the location of your key files.

(3) Setup the HTTPS Listener

Finally you need to update the http and https-listeners for undertow in the standalone.xml. Edit the server section ‘default-server’ in the following way:

<server name="default-server">
 <http-listener name="default" socket-binding="http" proxy-address-forwarding="true"/>
 <https-listener name="https" socket-binding="https" security-realm="UndertowRealm"/>

Note: Be careful about changing both listener settings – http and https! The default setting redirect-socket=https from the http-listener must be changed in proxy-address-forwarding=true.

The default port for https in wildfly/undertow is 8443. So you can test your https setup now with a direct https request:


See also more discussion here.

Wildfly – Logging

To activate logging for a specific category (path/class) from a deployed application follow these steps:

  1. Open the Wildfly Admin Console
  2. Switch to “Configuration -> Subsystem :Logging”
  3. Change the Console Loglevel to ‘FINE’ (or higher in case you need finer log levels) – default is ‘INFO’
  4. Add a new Log Category (Tab: Log Categories) with the following settings:
    • Category = package or class
    • Level = FINE (or higher in case you need finer log levels)
    • Use parent handler=true

How to use JSF 2.0 as an Action-Based-Framework

JSF is a common used and widely spread Web-Framework with a lot of powerful features and a great community. But JSF also follows a concept which is not comparable to Action-Based or Request-Based Frameworks like MVC 1.0 or Spring MVC. The concept behind JSF is a so called Event- or Component-Based Framework (alternative therm is MVC-Pull). This approach gives you a lot of flexibility in developing web applications, but it also includes some problems. What you often see in JSF  applications is, that URLs are not bookmarkable and you can not use the browsers History-Back button. This makes the behavior of JSF a little bit clumsy to the end-users.  I will explain  in this post how to solve this ‘problem’ in an elegant way without abusing JSF.

The Problem

The problem with the non bookmarkable URLs and the ugly situation that we can not use the Browser History-Back Button in a JSF application is founded in the so called Postback mechanism.  Each time you use a JSF Command-Action like a <h:commandButton> or a <h:commandLink>, JSF generates a Form Post, computes the resulting web site internally and posts back the markup to the browser. This is the natural behavior of the HTTP POST method and very efficient because the browser is not forced to load a new page. But if you want to change the page content/url the user is faced with a usability problem. The following two pages illustrating the problem:


 <h:commandLink action="/page2">Go to Page2</h:commandLink>


 <h:commandLink action="/page1">Go to Page1</h:commandLink>

If you test this page example you will see that the browser URL did not correspond with the page you see. Command-Actions are very powerful and we need them in situations where we want to submit the user input. But for simple navigation there is another tag introduced in JSF 2.0 which should be used instead of a command action. The <h:link> and <h:button>. In the next example you can see how the two pages work when we use this new JSF component:


 <h:link outcome="/page2">Link to Page2</h:link>


 <h:link outcome="/page1">Link to Page1</h:link>

Now when the user clicks on one of the page links the browser url is updated correctly because a HTTP GET request is initiated. This is the correct way to implement a page navigation in JSF.

Rule No. 1: Never use a command-action to navigate between pages


The Action Controller

In most situations it is not sufficient to simply navigate between to pages. What we need is business logic to be called when the user clicks on the navigation link to open a new page. Command Actions providing a lot of functionality to solve this problem. And this is also the reason why command actions are often used in JSF.  To control the outcome of a page after the user clicks on a action link is called an Action Controller. A Action Controller is in most cases a request-scoped CDI bean. So what we can do here is to bind the outcome attribute of the <h:link> component to a CDI Bean method like seen in the following example:


 <h:link outcome="#{myActionController.action1()">Link to Page2</h:link>


public class MyActionController implements Serializable {
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
 public String action1() {
 // your code goes here.....
 return "/page2";

The ugly part of this solution is that the action controller have to know the page name. So the action controller is tightly coupled to our JSF pages. (By the way, we see exactly the same coupling in MVC 1.0 examples.) In addition in this solution we need to make sure hat every link navigating to page2 is calling our action method. But a more complicating problem is that the action controller is not called if the user opens the page2 form a bookmarked URL!

So lets look on a better solution: We can place the ActionController directly into the page view. This  can be done by the new JSF 2.0 component <f:event> inside a the JSF component <h:view>. With the f:event type we can specify the jsf life-cycle phase where the action controller should be called.  See the next example:


  <f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{myActionController.init()}" />
   <h:link outcome="/page2">Link to Page2</h:link>


public class MyActionController implements Serializable {
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
 public void init() {
 System.out.println("...initializing action controller....");

This solution ensures that your ActionController is always called before the page is rendered.

Rule No. 2: Avoid binding controller methods to a navigation link

If you do some tests with the ActionController example you will notice that the init() method of the ActionController is not called if the user clicks the Browser History-Back Button to enter the page. This again is not a problem of JSF but of the caching behavior of Web Browsers. See a good blog post about this topic here.

The JSF Command-Action and Postbacks

Now lets take a look on the JSF command action. As I mentioned earlier the JSF command actions are useful if you want to submit the users input from a input form.

 <h:inputText value="#{myActionController.orderDate}" >
    <f:convertDateTime pattern="dd.MM.yyyy" timeZone="CET"/>
 <h:commandButton action="#{myActionController.submitOrder}" value="submit"/>

In this example the submit action button triggers our action controller method ‘submitOrder()’. Thus a method typically implements our business logic to persist or update data. JSF exepcts a public method returning a String which points to the resulting page outcome. See the following example:

 public String submitOrder() {
   // your code goes here....
   return "/page2";

If you do some tests, you will see that a click on the submit button will produce a HTTP POST method call and the page content will result in the markup of page2. As this was a postback the browser URL has not updated. Another problem seen here is that we now have again the situation where our Action Controller have to now the page name.

To avoid this problems simple make use of another JSF command action attribute called ‘actionListener’. With EL 2.2 we can call any method of a CDI bean with or without parameter. The action attribute itself can now be used for the navigation part. In case we want to navigate to another page we still have the Postback problem. But JSF 2.0 allows to force a redirect by adding the query parameter ‘?faces-redirect=true’ at the end of the navigation path.

<h:commandButton actionListener="#{myActionController.submitOrderByListener()}"
 action="page2?faces-redirect=true" value="submit"/>

ActionListener method:

 public void submitOrderByListener() {
   // your code goes here....
   System.out.println("ActionListener called...");

The result of the faces-redirect=true is also known as the Postback/Redirect/Get (PRG) pattern. The browser will receive a HTTP result 302 with the new URL to be redirected to.

Rule No. 3: Use faces-redirect=true to force Posteback/Redirect/Get pattern


As you can see, JSF 2.0 is a powerful framework which can be used also to implement web application with a request-based behavior as it is typically for modern web applications. Take care of the following rules:

Rule No. 1: Never use a command-action to navigate between pages
Rule No. 2: Avoid binding controller methods to a navigation link
Rule No. 3: Use faces-redirect=true to force Posteback/Redirect/Get pattern

I hope this blog post will help someone to get out the most of JSF. If you have any ideas or questions post your comments.

Debian Jessie – problem with suspend mode after closing laptop lid

With my ultrabook “Wortmann Terra Mobile 1450 II” running on Debian Jessie I have had a problem with the suspend mode. When I close the laptop lid the laptop goes into suspend mode, and after reopening the lid the laptop awakes. But than after some seconds the laptop goes back into suspend mode. That was an annoying problem.

I solved this after reading this stackexchange question. After playing around with some settings is seems that suspend mode is not working correctly with my hardware wen closing/opening the lid. My solution is now to set the machine in hibernate mode instead of suspend mode. This can be done by setting the following flag in the ‘/etc/systemd/logind.conf’ file.


It takes now some seconds until the ultrabook is in hibernate mode and it needs a complete boot when opening the lid, but thanks to the SSD hard-disk this is quite fast.

Trust in Java EE

In these days there is so much noise about Microservices and scalable architectures. We read about Verticals, Multi Threading and Fat Jars. I ask myself what is all that good for? Didn’t we have an architecture which is still providing similar concepts –  called the Java Enterprise Edition?

What is the idea behind Java EE? The main job of a Java Enterprise Server is to server resources to your application. This means a Java EE application sever provides resources like Database connections and security realms. As a Java EE developer you have not to think about how this is done. You just lookup – or in newer days inject – a JNDI resource. This resource can be a database pool, a Mail Session, a LDAP connection or something else. The application sever is responsible about managing, pooling and scaling of these resources. Why not trust in that concept?

There may be some cases where big companies are running there business applications in an awful architecture. Sometimes you can see a productive environment with many tomcat instances, each running a single piece of code from the business domain. For example there are several war artefacts, one for the customer service, one for the order management and another tomcat is serving the offer management. And each module is running in a single servlet bringing its own JDBC connector and security with hard coded configuration. I think you can agree with me that this is nonsense and bad practice.

So why not trusting in Java EE? If you are using this architecture in the right way you can deploy all 3 war modules from the scenario above into one application server. Each war module lookup or injects the same JDNI database resource. The application server is responsible to manage JDBC connections. And the important part here is that these JDBC connections are running in several separate threads outside of your servlet. So why not using this facilitation?

The other part we should think about is the business logic. If you put all logic into one servlet the code grows up with the time. This can not be managed well and took a lot of resources on your web server (each time the servlet is called). Ah! That’s it – we need more verticals, microservices and servers to bind each part of our business logic into a separate thread. Looks so, but again we missed one of the core concepts of Java EE – EJBs. EJBs are by far the most misunderstood concept of Java EE. The reason my be historically, because EJBs where at the beginning awful complex. But today EJBs are perfectly easy. You can put as much as possible of your business logic into several stateless session EJBs and the application server is doing the rest. EJBs are pooled in a container. This means they are running in separate threads, are pooled by the server and are transactional. You can’t implement such a concept easily by yourself. And at least Java EE application servers can also be clustered.  So there is enough playground also to set-up large server environments –  if you like…


Java EE provides an architecture that solves the main problems of modern web applications. Although Java EE is several years old, there is not reason not to trust in this architecture. In my eyes it is no wasted time to seriously deal with this technology and consider all the ideas and concepts. Thus, Java EE at the end may be the best architecture to build the big brother of Microservices –  Self-Contained Systems.

Please let me know if you can give me arguments why I should rebuild my business application from a Java EE platform into a new architecture style like  Vert.x, Wildfly Swarm or something else?

How To Debug Race Conditions

The last days I had a strange problem with one of my Java EE applications. One of my classes was not ‘thread save‘ and so my code run into a problem raised by a ‘race condition‘. It was hard to figure out what really goes wrong, because the fault occurs only in the productive environment and only one or two times in one month. So in this post I want to share some of my experience how you can debug Java EE code and test if your code is thread save or not.

Debugging a Multi-Thread Application

First of all you need to setup you dev-server into a debugging mode.  Read this posting to see how to debug WildFly which the Eclipse Debugging Tools.

If everything is prepared for debugging you should fist find a piece of code which can be accessed by multiple threads simultaneously. For a Java EE application this can be a method in a front-end bean running in the web container (e.g a request or session CDI bean) or a Session EJB running in the ejb container.

Now set three breakpoints in the first lines of your code to make sure you can watch the entry into your code by a single thread:


Starting multiple Threads

Now you can start the fist thread. Open your web browser and trigger your application to execute the piece of code your are interested in.  Eclipse will stop the thread on the first breakpoint. In my example code line 548:

eclipse_debug_multithread02The important part here is the thread number which indicates the first thread uniquely. To see what happens start over to the next breakpoint (in my example line 555).

Now lets start a second thread by opening a second browser window and trigger the corresponding piece of code again. In the Eclipse Debugger this is a little be tricky because the Eclipse Debugger will not automatically switch to the new thread. So you will not see any change in Eclipse. But when you go through the list of threads in the Debug View, you will see a second ‘suspended’ thread. You can expand the second thread and navigate to the code line this thread is waiting:


Now as you know both thread numbers you can see exactly what happens in each thread. Using the debugging tools you can now start over in your second thread to the third breakpoint in you code. Remember – our first thread is still waiting at the second breakpoint. You can check this in your code by switching between your threads. And this is the important part: You be now able to simulate race conditions between multiple threads in your code. This is a kind of super-slow-motion where you are the cameraman.

Singleton Pattern and Synchronized Method Calls

If your code is not thread save, you can possible run into the problem of a race condition. This means that two threads are observing for example the same member variables of a class. In my case this was the fact as I accessed my code in a static way and store values in static member variables. In the debugging scenario explained before you can watch this problem easily. To get rid of such a behaviour you can implement the singleton pattern. But be careful, this isn’t as simple as it may look at the first. A good solution for Java EE applications is the usage of the @Singleton Session EJB. This EJB type implements a singleton pattern and also synchronize all method calls per default. Again you can debug this with a multi-thread debugging session.

So I hope this short tutorial will help you the next time when you need to check if your code is thread save or not.


WildFly Undertow – How to Configure a Request Dump

If you need to debug the request headers send to Wildfly application server you can configure a Request-Dumper. There for change the standalone.xml file and add a filter-ref and filter configuration into the subsystem section of undertow. See the following example:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:undertow:2.0">
 <server name="default-server">
      <host name="default-host" alias="localhost">
          <filter-ref name="request-dumper"/>
    <filter name="request-dumper" class-name="io.undertow.server.handlers.RequestDumpingHandler" module="io.undertow.core" />

This will print out all the request information send by a browser.

Windows 7 Update – Height CPU Usage

If a windows takes to much CPU usage and runs endless the following trick may help:

  1. run the tool ‘msconfig’
  2. disable the option ‘Benutzerdefinierter Systemstart’ -> ‘Systemstartelemente laden’
  3. select  under ‘Dienste’ the option ‘Alle Microsoft Dienste ausblenden’
  4. deselect all ‘Dienste’
  5. Restart Windows
  6. Run the Update Tool

When all updates are finished successfully the option “normaler Systemstart” can be enabled again in the msconfig Tool.


Wildfly and MVC 1.0 Ozark

I just started to build a new Java EE Web Application based on the new MVC 1.0 Framework which will become part of Java EE8. I tried to run the application on Wildfly 9.0.2.

Setup a Maven Project

To setup a MVC 1.0 Web Application with maven is tquite simple. I Just added the following dependencies into my pom.xm :

<!-- mvc-api -->

As ozark is based on jersey you need the jersey-container-servlet. As ozark is based on Java 8 it is also necessary to start Wildfly with JDK 8. Otherwise the war file can not be deployed.

The application class

Next I added an application class with a resurce mapping /api/

public class MyApplication extends Application {

This class is necessary to call the application URL like


Here is my controller class:

public class HelloController {
 private Greeting greeting; 
 private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(HelloController.class.getName());

 public void hello(@QueryParam("name") String name) {
 logger.info("set new message: "+name);
 greeting.setMessage("Hello "+name);

On the first look the conroller is triggered. But currently I am not able to return the target page (in my example /pages/hello.xhtml)

The reason seems to be that the jersey servlet container will not replace the resteasy implementation for the application.

Maybe someone knows how to solve this problem?

Update 15.Aug. 2017

Finally I solved the deployment issues in Wildfly. To get Ozark running together with Wildfly first you need to add the Jersey Dependencies to your project. So the pom.xml looks like this:

 <!-- JEE Dependencies -->
 <!-- MVC Dependencies -->

The important part here is to deactivate the jersey hibernate-validation. This can be don with the ‘exclusion’ tag of maven.

Wildfly Deployment Descriptors

In the next step we need to provide two wildfly deployment descriptors to ensure that the RestEasy Subsystem is deactivated.

1. Deactivate Wildfly JAX-RS RestEasy Subsystem

To deactivate RestEasy add the file “jboss-deployment-structure.xml” into the WEB-INF-folder with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<jboss-deployment-structure xmlns="urn:jboss:deployment-structure:1.2"> 
   <subsystem name="jaxrs" /> 

2. Prevent implizit bean archives without beans.xml

To deactivate bean archives with a beans.xml add the file “jboss-all.xml” into the Web-INF folder with the following content:

<jboss xmlns="urn:jboss:1.0"> 
   <weld xmlns="urn:jboss:weld:1.0" require-bean-descriptor="true"/> 

See also: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/WFLY8/CDI+Reference

3. Add the bean.xml file

Finally make sure that your web project contain an empty beans.xml file in the WEB-INF folder:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<beans xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
       xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/beans_1_1.xsd"
       version="1.1" bean-discovery-mode="all">


Update 18.Sep. 2017

In the meantime the Ozark project worked on a new implementation to make the MVC implementation independend from Jersey. So now it is possible to user Ozark together with Wildfly without changing the configuration. You need to include the following dependencies:


See als:

Ben.JS becomes more secure

Today I worked on the new release 0.3.0 of Ben.JS. This new release now contains no longer eval() calls. This makes the framework more secure. The old calls were replaced by direct method calls. You can test the new release by downloading the latest version from the Download site.

Another improvement is the possibility to provide a application specific release version to Ben.JS. A release version makes sure, that URIs used  in internal load() events will be extend by the release version as a custom parameter. This avoids the annoying browser caching of html templates when you upgrade your application. You simply can start Ben.JS in your application with a custom version number like this:

var myTemplate = benJS.createTemplate({
    id : "my-template",
    url : "view.html"
var benJS = BENJS.org.benjs.core;
        appVersion : "1.0.0"

A template URI like “view.html” will be extended with the version number to “view.html?appVersion=1.0.0”