Traefik and Basic Authentication

Today I once again came across a configuration issue in regarding an authentication problem. Traefik is a cloud native networking solution for container platforms. It can be used for example within Kubernetes and is a build in function of K3S – a lightweight Kubernetes solution.

In K3S Traefik is used for the ingress configuration. For example to route Web traffic from an Internet domain to a specific service within your cluster.

My problem was that I wanted to install a private Docker Registry within my K3S cluster. The Docker Registry comes without any security. This is fine within a cluster, but in case you connect from outside you don’t want that your private registry is open for everyone. With Traefik you can easily secure you service. I will explain how you can do this.

Continue reading “Traefik and Basic Authentication”

kubectl get nodes error: You must be logged in to the server

Today I got the following error message when trying to run kubectl on my Kubernetes Cluster:

$ kubectl get pods
error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)

This issue can happen after renewing kubernates certificates and is caused the existing ~/.kube/config to have outdated keys and certificate values in it.

Kubernetes is renewing the certificates automatically and so you need to update your local copy too. You can check the status of your Kubernetes server certificate with:

$ openssl x509 -in /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.crt -noout -text |grep ' Not '
            Not Before: Jan  8 21:13:17 2021 GMT
            Not After : Nov 13 14:46:01 2022 GMT

Running kubectl on a server you can simply renew your .kube/config file with the latest one from your server:

$ cp .kube/config .kube/config_old
$ sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
$ sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

Ceph Pacific running on Debian 11 (Bullseye)

In this tutorial I will explain how to setup a Ceph Cluster on Debian 11. The Linux Distribution is not as relevant as it sounds but for the latest Ceph release Pacific I am using here also the latest Debian release Bullseye.

In difference to my last tutorial how to setup Ceph I will focus a little bit more on network. Understanding and configuring the Ceph network options will ensure optimal performance and reliability of the overall storage cluster. See also the latest configuration guide from Red Hat.

Continue reading “Ceph Pacific running on Debian 11 (Bullseye)”

Kubernetes, Ceph and Static Volumes

Ceph is an open source distributed storage system which integrates with the concept of Kubernetes in a perfect way. With the Ceph CSI-Plugin you can connect a Ceph cluster into your Kubernetes cluster in a well designed way. In one of my last posts I give a short tutorial how to setup a Ceph cluster on Debian. Also take a look at the Imixs-Cloud project.

Static Persistence Volumes

When we talk about Kuberentes and Persistence Volumes often you will find examples working with a so called storage class and Dynamic Persistence Volumes. In this concept a persistence volume will be provisioned automatically by the Kubernetes CSI adapter and you do not need to think much about how this works. But this kind of persistence volumes are not durable which means, that if you delete your POD also the persistence volume will be removed and all the data you container wrote so far will be lost. To avoid this, you need a so called Static Persistence Volume. Such a persistence volume is marked with the flag ‘Retain’:

persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain

This means the volume will not be deleted when the POD is removed or updated.

To setup a Static Persistence Volume in Ceph, two steps are necessary. Fist you need to create the ceph image on you ceph cluster. This can be done form the ceph web admin interface or from the command line tool:

# rbd create test-image --size=1024 --pool=kubernetes --image-feature layering

Next you can define the corresponding Kubernetes Persistence Volume Object referring to this RBD image:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: rbd-static-pv
  volumeMode: Filesystem
  storageClassName: ceph
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
  - ReadWriteOnce
    storage: 1Gi
    fsType: ext4
      name: csi-rbd-secret
      namespace: ceph-system
      clusterID: "<clusterID>"
      pool: "kubernetes"
      staticVolume: "true"
      # The imageFeatures must match the created ceph image exactly!
      imageFeatures: "layering"
    volumeHandle: test-image 

Replace <clusterID> with the id of you ceph cluster. Note: also a storage class is needed here to identify the ceph nodes. Find more details here.

Resizing Static Persistence Volumes

So are everything is working fine using Ceph for static persistence volumes. But it becomes a little bit tricky if you need to resize an image. Imagine you are running a database and the calculated storage you need exceeds the size you planed in the beginning.

In this case you first need to resize the ceph image. This can be done easily form the Ceph web admin interface or from the command line tool.

# rbd resize --image foo --size 2048

But the problem is, that after you delete and redeploy your POD in Kubernetes it will still see the old disk size. This happens because the Ceph CSI Plugin did not support automatically resizing of static volumes.

If you are using the fsType ext4 (as in my example) you can run the resize2fs command from within your POD to give your container the correct new size:

# resize2fs /dev/rbd[number]

You need to replace [number] with the correct rbd image mounted within your POD. You can check the rdb number with the command df -h.

Note: The command will only work if the resize2fs lib is installed on your container (which is for example the case for the official PostgreSQL image). Also it is important for this command that your POD runs with the securityContext privileged=true :

            - name: volume-to-resize
              mountPath: /var/lib/data
            privileged: true

Using a Kubernetes Job

As an alternative to executing the resize2fs command manually you can also start a simple Kubernetes job to resize your RBD images automatically.

# This job can be used to resize a ext4 filesystem
# aligned to the given size of the underlying RBD image.
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: ext4-resize2fs
        - name: debian
          image: debian

          command: ["/bin/sh"]
            - -c
            - >-
                echo '******** start resizeing block device  ********' &&
                echo ...find rbd mounts to be resized.... &&
                df | grep /rbd &&
                DEVICE=`df | grep /rbd | awk '{print $1}'` &&
                echo ...resizing device $DEVICE ... &&
                resize2fs $DEVICE &&
                echo '******** resize block device completed ********'

            - name: volume-to-resize
              mountPath: /tmp/mount2resize
            privileged: true
        - name: volume-to-resize
            claimName: test-pg-dbdata
      restartPolicy: Never
  backoffLimit: 1

Make sure that the PV and PVC objects exist before you run the job. Replace the PVC with the name of your PVC to be resized.

$ kubectl apply -f resize2fs.yaml

If you have any comments please post them here.

Monitoring Web Servers Should Never be Complex

If you run several web servers in your organisation or even public web servers in the internet you need some kind of monitoring. If your servers go down for some reason this may not be funny for your colleagues, customer and even for yourself. For that reason we use monitoring tools. And there are a lot of monitoring tools available providing all kinds of features and concepts. For example you can monitor the behaviour of your applications, the hardware usage of your server nodes, or even the network traffic between servers. One prominent solution is the open source tool Nagios which allows you to monitor hardware in every detail. In Kubernetes environments you may use the Prometeus/Grafana Operator, which integrates into the concept of Kubernetes providing a lot of different export services to monitor a cluster in various ways. And also there is a large market providing monitoring solutions running in the cloud. The cloud solutions advertise that no complex installation is required. But personally I wonder if it is a good idea to send application and hardware metrics to a third party service.

Continue reading “Monitoring Web Servers Should Never be Complex”

Running CockroachDB on Kubernetes

In my last blog I explained how to run the CockroachDB in a local dev environment with the help from docker-compose. Now I want to show how to setup a CockroachDB cluster in Kubernetes.

The CockroachDB is a distributed SQL database with a build in replication mechanism. This means that the data is replicated over several nodes in a database cluster. This increases the scalability and resilience in the case that a single node fails. With its Automated-Repair feature the database also detects data inconsistency and automatically fixes faulty data on disks. The project is Open Source and hosted on Github.

Supporting the PostgreSQL wire protocol, CockroachDB can be used out of the box for the Java Enterprise Applications and Microservices using the standard PostgresSQL JDBC driver.

Note: CockroachDB does not support the isolation level of transactions required for complex business logic. For that reason the Imixs-Workflow project does NOT recommend the usage of CockroachDB. See also the discussion here.

Continue reading “Running CockroachDB on Kubernetes”

Monitoring Your Kubernetes Cluster the Right Way

Monitoring a Kubernetes cluster seems not to be so difficult as you look at the hundreds of blogs and tutorials. But there is a problem – it is the dynamic and rapid development of Kubernetes. And so you will find many blog posts describing a setup that may not work properly for your environment anymore. This is not because the author has provided a bad tutorial, but only because the article is maybe older than one year. Many things have changed in Kubernetes and it is the area of metrics and monitoring that is affected often.

For example, you will find many articles describing how to setup the cadvisor service to get container metrics. But this technology has become part of kubelet in the meantime so an additional installation should not be necessary anymore and can lead to incorrect metrics in the worst case. Also the many Grafana boards to display metrics have also evolved. Older boards are usually no longer suitable to be used in a new Kubernetes environment.

Therefore in this tutorial, I would like to show how to set up a monitoring correctly in the current version of Kubernetes 1.19.3. And of course also this blog post will be outdated after some time. So be warned 😉

Continue reading “Monitoring Your Kubernetes Cluster the Right Way”

How-to Optimize Memory Consumption for Java Containers Running in Kubernetes

When I started migrating my Application servers (Wildfly 20.0.1) into a self-managed Kubernetes cluster, I noticed unexpected memory behaviour. My Wildfly containers were consuming more memory as I expected. In this blog I will explain why this may happen and how you can control and optimize your memory settings. In this blog I am using the official Wildfly 20.0.1 which is based on OpenJDK 11. But the rules explained here can be of course adapted also for any other Java Application Server.

Notice: Since Java 10 the memory management of a container changed dramatically. Before Java 10 a JVM running in Docker looked on the memory setting of the host which typically provided much more memory as defined by the single Docker container. Here we look only on Java version 10 and above! Read this blog to learn more about the background.

Continue reading “How-to Optimize Memory Consumption for Java Containers Running in Kubernetes”

Grafana – How to Build a Datatable Form Different Queries

In this tutorial I will show how you can combine different data queries in one Datatable. The scenario I came up to this requirement was a Kubernetes Dashboard where I wanted to combine the CPU and Memory Used of each Node with the OsVersion and the Docker Version. These metrics came form different sources the CPU und Memory the corresponding node_cpu_ and node_memory_ metrics provided by the Node Exporter and the OsVersion for example is provided by the cadvisor_version_info metric. Its a little bit tricky to come to the following output:

Continue reading “Grafana – How to Build a Datatable Form Different Queries”